2024 Top 10 護膚美容推薦
飛利浦 Philips OnionChef 切粒碎肉機 HR2505 香港行貨
飛利浦 Philips OnionChef 切粒碎肉機 HR2505 香港行貨

Philips 飛利浦 OnionChef 切粒碎肉機 HR2505 香港行貨

銷量 <20




HK$ 498

節省 HK$3

HK$ 481

VIP 優惠

滿 $500 免運費


全新飛利浦OnionChef切粒碎肉機 (HR2505) 具備ChopDrop切粒技術,只要輕輕一按即可快速切出齊整又乾身嘅粒狀,配合隨機附送嘅兩款刀片仲可以切碎洋蔥,瓜類、水果、果仁、乾果、芝士,甚至朱古力等,仲識得自動調節速度,所以話 OnionChef又豈止切洋蔥咁簡單!



豬肉 (切件) 300克
沙葛 (去皮、切件) 40克
新鮮雲耳 40克
甘筍 (去皮、切件) 60克
椰菜 (切件) 150克
餃子皮 30-35張

1. 豬肉分2次放入切粒碎肉機的攪拌槽打至起膠。
2. 沙葛、雲耳、甘筍和椰菜分別放入切粒碎肉機的網籃裡切成細碎。
3. 免治豬肉加沙葛等混合材料,加調味料拌勻成餃子餡。
4. 每張餃子皮加約1湯匙的餃子餡,包成餃子。
5. 把餃子放到滾水裡煮約3-5分鐘,撈起即可享用。


洋葱 100克
綠豆角 30克
紅椒 20克
蛋 3隻

鹽 1﹣2茶匙
麻油 5湯匙
紹酒 3湯匙
白胡椒粉 少少
麵粉 70﹣80克

1. 把洋葱、紅椒和綠豆角分別放到切粒碎肉機裡的網籃打至細碎。
2. 把50克的鮮蝦仁放到切粒碎肉機裡的網籃切成粗粒。
3. 把150克的鮮蝦仁放到切粒碎肉機的攪拌槽打成蝦 膠。
4. 把所有材料和調味料混合拌勻粟米糊。
5. 預熱Airfryer 空氣炸鍋至180度。
6. 把粟米糊分成小份,放入Airfryer烘烤盤內烤5分鐘。
7. 再以200度烤3分鐘即可享用。

Chop onions, grind meat and so much more

At last you can chop like a chef. Philips OnionChef chopper with ChopDrop technology gives you dry, regular pieces of onion and other ingredients. Thanks to the separate high speed blade you can also grind meat, chop herbs and so much more.
Chop like a chef
• ChopDrop technology
• Powerful 500W motor
• Sharp stainless steel blades

Versatility for daily use
• Coarse chopping with ChopDrop
• Fine chopping with HS blade

No more hassle
• Single cut needed
• Automatic Speed Selection
• Easy press down operation
• Large 1.1l bowl
• Dishwasher safe

ChopDrop technology

Recognizing how unpleasant and difficult chopping onions is, Philips has cleverly developed ChopDrop technology to allow you to chop them like a chef in an easy way. The uniquely designed chamber keeps the onion in, while the three sharp blades are chopping. Once the pieces reach the optimal size, they are dropped in the bowl: dry & regular every time. Perfect for onions, but also other vegetables, fruit, cheese, nuts & more.

Coarse chopping with ChopDrop

The Philips OnionChef chopper uses an optimal slow speed for its ChopDrop technology. This ensures you can always achieve dry and regular pieces of onion and other delicate ingredients, such as zucchini, boiled eggs, pepper, mozzarella, as well as hard ones - such as nuts, carrots and more. Ideal for your favourite daily dishes, as well as appetizers (salsa, tzatziki), sauces, risottos and more!

Single cut needed

The large ChopDrop chamber of the Philips Onion Chef chopper is designed to allow you to place a whole large onion cut in half. You now only need to peel it and make a single cut with your knife. The OnionChef does the rest for you, ensuring you do not have the unpleasant contact with the onion.

Automatic Speed Selection

Philips OnionChef chopper is equipped with 2 speeds and automatic speed selection. The different functions require a different speed for achieving the optimal result - slow speed for the coarse chopping with ChopDrop technology and high speed for the fine chopping with the separate high speed blade. The product detects the desired function and adjusts the needed speed automatically to ensure achieving the desired end result every time.

Sharp stainless steel blades

Philips OnionChef chopper is equipped with sharp stainless steel blades. The three fine blades of the ChopDrop technology ensure
dry and regular chopping of delicate ingredients without mashing. The separately provided high speed chopping blade, however, is capable of crushing even hard ingredients.

Fine chopping with HS blade

Like any other chef, the Philips OnionChef chopper with its additional high speed chopping blade allows you also to achieve finely chopped result of a large variety of ingredients, such as meat, nuts, dried fruit, herbs, Parmesan, chocolate and more. Finely grind meat for steak tartare, meat balls, sauce Bolognese or tacos; prepare homemade pesto and humus, energy bars or simply a fresh
dressing for your favorite salad.

Easy press down operation

The activation of the Philips OnionChef cannot be any easier - simply press down the top of the product towards the bowl. No extra buttons, settings or switches. Chopping like a chef at a single touch.


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